Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Christian premarital counseling versus secular counseling

What is the difference between Christian Premarital Counseling and secular Premarital Counseling?

While the two will cover similar topics, Christian Pre Marriage Counseling will also take into account God’s purpose and plan for marriage.

All good premarital counseling will cover the “big 5”:
  • Marital Expectations
  • Communication
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Finances
  • Sexual Intimacy
Truly, no marriage can expect to flourish if the man and woman don’t poses adequate tools for dealing with the day-to-day difficulties of marriage.  If you are seeking pre marriage counseling, make sure the curriculum covers these 5 topics…at a minimum!

If you identify yourself as ‘Christian’, as a majority of US couples do, you may be interested in the ‘big 5’ as well as what God’s Word says about marriage.
During your counseling time, you’ll probably hear things like, ‘One man. One woman. For Life’ and you may discuss the biblical concept of ‘leaving and cleaving’.  You may also be advised that sex and cohabitation before marriage is contrary to God’s ideal for your marriage.

All said, Christian Pre Marriage Counseling has been created in order to ‘line us up’ with the pattern God has established for the covenant relationship of marriage.  Marriage exposes sin in our lives.  It exposes our selfish nature.  It exposes our inability to truly fulfill our spouse.  But, most importantly, it exposes our need for mercy, grace, and forgiveness.  One of God’s purposes for marriage is to show us just how much we need Jesus.

If you’re in searching for quality, Christian Pre Marriage Counseling, check out www.marriage101online.com for some great advice.

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Grace Products Corporation

In 1984 the founder, Greg Vaughn, discovered that most couples prepare more to get a drivers license than to make one of the most important decisions of their life; getting married.

He decided to help make a difference. In 1985 he produced the first premarital video curriculum ever created, called Before You Say "I DO". Over 14,000 churches of every denomination quickly adopted Before/After You Say "I DO" as the standard for premarital counseling and marital enrichment. We continued adding to our successful product line with the So, You're Getting Married DVD series, the "His and Her" companion workbooks and The Marriage Kit. Over 200,000 couples have trusted their premarital counseling to us and we have not disappointed them.

And now we are proud to present the most innovative resource in the area of premarital coaching and marital enrichment, called Marriage 101: Back to the Basics. We are sure once you have had an opportunity to take advantage of this versatile resource you will agree that Marriage 101: Back to the Basics should be the primary tool for your marriage ministry.

Greg Vaughn

Greg is the president and founder of Grace Products. He is the winner of two Television Emmy for his series IN SEARCH OF THE HEROES. This series is used in over 40,000 schools and libraries across the country. He is also the founder of one of the fastest growing men’s movement in the country called Letters from Dad. Greg has become a fixture at men’s conferences, annual conventions and luncheons as he speaks on the theme of “Leaving a Legacy that Lasts”. He is also the creator of “The Visual Biography Co.” that weaves together the story of a person’s life and puts it on film for posterity.

However, all of the above pales in comparison to the great privilege of being married to his wife Carolyn and the joy of being called DAD by his seven awesome children.

Read what our couples are saying about our Premarital Counseling:

Awesome stuff! The premarital counseling DVDs were full of content and practical wisdom. Glad we took the time to go through the process.
Jason Rogers, McKinney, TX

As a parent that had 2 children getting married in ONE year, I know that your premarital counseling resources gave us the assurance that our children were equipped to make this most important decision.
Greg Lee, Richardson, TX

Our church required 8 sessions of premarital counseling. We didn't understand why. After a few months of marriage, we understand why! It was a great investment of our time.
Tony and Brooke Paschali, Houston, TX

I love the Marriage Kit and all the books that augmented the video series. The Family History Test was an eye opener for us. We both come from totally different kinds of families.
Carolyn Brosseau, Long Island, NY

Read what our churches are saying:

You never hear me say things like this. "Buy this premarital counseling series. It's the best I have ever seen. Don't think about it... Just purchase it".

Jay Strack

Youth conference speaker and National syndicated radio